1. Students will be provided a link to join the course.
2. Link only for those whose payment and form are filled and completed.
3. A certificate will be provided to all candidates.
4. All candidates must fill out the online registration form(Sent through the link). Also should pay the nominal registration & certificate fees in the provided bank account.
Bank Details:
Poohar Essence Private Limited
State Bank of India (SBI)
Beltola Branch
A/C No: 40131770278
IFSC: SBIN0004419
5. The price of the course is Rs499.
6. Within 24 hours of the form submission, fee payment should be completed.
7. A screenshot of the payment process is required for the verification process in the following phone number: 7002285755 (WhatsApp)
8. After the payment confirmation, a notification mail will be sent to the candidate.